Safety Critical Avionics

Meeting The Highest Standards in Safety-Critical Systems

DiSTI’s GL Studio Safety-Critical (SC) outperforms competitors in avionics development by delivering top-tier safety compliance, unmatched flexibility, and proven reliability. Designed for the highest industry standards it ensures easy certification, seamless integration across diverse environments, and dependable performance in real-world safety-critical applications.

Seamlessly incorporating ARINC 661 deployment capabilities ensures strict adherence to multiple safety standards within a segmented certifiable environment, making it an ideal choice for safety-critical applications.

Core Offerings:

  • GL Studio SC Design/Development Tool
  • SC Code Generator
  • SC Runtime Library
  • Certification Artifacts
  • SC GUI Pack Built-In
  • Expert SC Support
Safety Critical Avionics

Safety-Critical Certification and Compliance in Avionics Systems

DiSTI has significantly contributed to the aviation industry by specializing in state-of-the-art software and hardware solutions that optimize aircraft systems and enhance performance. By collaborating closely with industry leaders such as Boeing, Lockheed Martin and Airbus, we deliver groundbreaking safety-critical HMI Solution systems to ensure reliability.

  • Engineered to meet the most rigorous safety and certification standards.
  • Generates code certifiable to DO-178C DAL A standards.
  • Adheres to DO-330 TQL-1 tool qualification standard for enhanced certification.

GL Studio Safety-Critical is specifically designed to meet the most stringent safety and certification standards required in aerospace and defense applications. The Safety-Critical code generator produces code that is certifiable to DO-178C DAL A standards, and the runtime library also adheres to the same standards ensuring that your systems are compliant with the highest levels of safety. Additionally, the GL Studio SC Code Generator adheres to the DO-330 TQL-1 tool qualification standard.

Safety Critical Avionics

Customizable and Extendable Architecture for Developers

  • Open, extendable architecture allows for custom importers, exporters, behaviors, and tool tray widgets.
  • Includes customizable UI widgets to accelerate UI/UX development.
  • Enables rapid interface development without modifying the certified runtime library.

GL Studio SC has an open and extendable architecture, allowing developers to create custom importers, exporters, behaviors, and tool tray widgets for their applications. GL Studio SC also includes a set of customizable UI widgets to facilitate more rapid UI/UX development. These widgets offer customizable options for look, feel, and behavior, allowing for quick and efficient UI development at a higher level without needing to change a certified runtime library.

Safety Critical Avionics

Seamless Hardware and RTOS Flexibility

The GL Studio SC Runtime Library is hardware and RTOS-agnostic, making it highly adaptable to various project requirements. It supports RTOS platforms such as Wind River VxWorks, SYSGO PikeOS, DC-I’s DeOS, and Green Hills INTEGRITY. The library is compatible with over 80 hardware systems, including AMD, NXP, Intel, TeleChips and Texas Instruments. This flexibility allows engineers to integrate GL Studio SC into diverse environments without compatibility concerns.

Safety Critical Avionics

Proven Performance in Safety-Critical Applications

  • Successfully deployed in high-stakes environments: spacecraft, aircraft, UAVs, automobiles, and medical devices.
  • Supports critical programs like Boeing’s T-7A Red Hawk and Boom Supersonic’s XB-1.
  • Demonstrates reliability and robustness in real-world safety-critical environments.

GL Studio SC has been deployed across a range of high-stakes environments, including spacecraft, aircraft, UAVs, automobiles, and medical devices. The coverage-tested Runtime Library has supported critical programs such as the T-7A Red Hawk by Boeing and the XB-1 by Boom Supersonic. These deployments demonstrate the robustness and reliability of GL Studio SC in real-world applications, demonstrating its suitability for safety-critical environments.

Safety Critical Avionics

Unified Tool for the Entire Development Lifecycle

  • Designed for use throughout the entire development lifecycle.
  • Reduces complexity and streamlines processes from prototyping to deployment.
  • Ensures consistency across different applications with a unified tool.

GL Studio SC is designed to be used throughout the entire development lifecycle, from initial prototyping to deployment on the embedded target. The consistency of using a single tool across all phases of development helps reduce complexity and streamline processes while maintaining uniformity across different applications.

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