Navy SBI

DiSTI to Advance Submarine Training with Cutting-Edge Virtual Task Trainers

Wed, September 18, 2024 06:00 AM EST

Orlando-based virtual training development solutions provider The DiSTI Corporation has been awarded a Phase III Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) contract by the Naval Air Warfare Center Training Systems Division (NAWCTSD). This contract, which focuses on developing next-generation Virtual Task Trainers (VTTs) for U.S. Navy Submarine Schools and submarines, marks a significant advancement in military training technology and underscores DiSTI’s leadership in the field.

Under this new contract, DiSTI will create cutting-edge digital 3D training aids that allow submarine personnel to interact with and explore equipment in a highly realistic virtual environment. These Virtual Task Trainers will enable sailors to practice and master complex procedures safely, enhancing operational readiness and effectiveness.

Advancing Warfighter Readiness

“We are honored to continue our partnership with NAWCTSD and advance the training capabilities of the Submarine Force,” stated DiSTI CEO John Hayward. “Our Virtual Task Trainers represent a significant leap forward in the application of immersive technology to military training, offering a robust platform for enhancing readiness and operational performance.”

The new VTTs developed under this contract will provide submarine personnel with unparalleled opportunities to learn and refine their skills in a controlled, risk-free setting. For instance, they can practice complex equipment maintenance, emergency procedures, and detailed repair operations. By simulating real-world scenarios, these trainers help bridge the gap between theoretical knowledge and practical application, ensuring that sailors are better prepared for the challenges they will face in active duty.

Innovative Training for the Future

DiSTI’s software solutions are renowned for their adaptability, a feature that allows the Virtual Task Trainers to be seamlessly integrated into various training environments. This adaptability means that the VTTs can be customized to simulate a wide range of scenarios, from routine maintenance tasks to emergency situations, making them a versatile and valuable tool for enhancing operational readiness and performance in any industry that requires advanced maintenance training.

The award of this Phase III SBIR contract underscores DiSTI’s commitment to innovation and excellence in virtual training solutions. As the company continues to push the boundaries of what is possible in virtual training, this partnership with NAWCTSD reaffirms DiSTI’s role as a critical contributor to enhancing the readiness and performance of the U.S. Navy’s Submarine Force.

If you are interested in learning more about virtual training and the solutions provided by DiSTI, we encourage you to reach out to We are always ready to discuss our innovative virtual training solutions and how they can benefit your organization.

Visit our Defense page to learn more about our virtual training solutions developed by The DiSTI Corporation.

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