
Garmin Adopts DiSTI’s GL Studio for Next Gen IVI-Integrated Cluster

Tue, May 04, 2021 16:01 PM EST

The DiSTI Corporation continues to expand in the automotive market with the announcement that its GL Studio, HMI development tool, was adopted by Tier 1 auto OEM supplier Garmin in some of the company’s next-generation in-vehicle infotainment platforms.

Garmin GL Studio

Garmin first approached DiSTI due to the GL Studio team’s experience with ISO 26262 ASIL D HMI development in automotive. The two companies have worked closely to deliver a cutting-edge IVI-Integrated Cluster that offers features and performance exceeding the current market.

“As Garmin continues to expand its automotive OEM electronics business we needed a supplier with industry-leading software capability and an understanding of the unique functional safety requirements of the automotive industry, as well as a willingness to invest with us in a growing product segment. DiSTI’s support has been important in the development of our integrated IVI/instrument cluster solutions and we look forward to continuing our collaboration,” said Craig Puder, Garmin’s Vice President of Automotive OEM Engineering.

For the GL Studio team, the focus has been on maximizing visual quality, performance, and safety. One of the main advantages to the cluster is performance – running 60hz on target at all times. Because visual quality is paramount, the cluster runs at full automotive HD resolution. Responsiveness is another factor that provides superiority for this cluster, there is no delay of animations, with crispness immediately apparent.

Designed to be flexible and customizable, the cluster can display a wide variety of data while matching the User Experience (UX) requirements of the unit. The GL Studio tool makes it easy to provide a wide variety of display options – carousel lists, nested submenus, customizable animations, just to name a few.

The experience of the GL Studio team in automotive safety is illustrated in the cluster’s ASIL tell-tale validator, ensuring that incorrect information is never shown to the user.

“Garmin approached us about working together on the new platform after previously adopting GL Studio for HD clusters,” said Chris Giordano, VP UI/UX Technology at DiSTI. “It’s been fantastic working with their team on such a highly sought after and flexible architecture, and we look forward to many years of continued mutual success with Garmin.”

This integration with Garmin is the latest example in the growing list of automotive suppliers and software subcontractors utilizing GL Studio for HMI development for in-vehicle infotainment and navigation systems.

DiSTI’s GL Studio integrated development framework future-proofs UI development with tier-one suppliers and software subcontractors. The flexibility of GL Studio, along with its professional service support, accelerates manufacturers’ time-to-market. For more details, please contact

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